About the Website
This website contains a brief section about the facility including some pictures of the lab, a summary of the facility's
procedures and a selection of interesting structures done at Penn during the recent past.
There are password-protected pages for each structure done in the department; these pages can be accessed by the Research Groups link.
Each entry contains the PDB file and CIF file for the structure plus Jmol applet displays that allow manipulation of the molecule and investigation of the unit cell packing diagram.
There is also a page illustrating some of the advanced uses
of the Jmol Applet. The frame to the right is a Jmol display of a molecule that BAB affectionately dubbed the "Mickey Mouse Molecule."
The molecule can be rotated by dragging the cursor inside the Jmol frame while holding down the (left) mouse button.
The Published Structures link leads to a collection of previously published facility structures that demonstrates how structures
are archived; this archive is accessible to the general public.
There is a link to an Online X-ray Course that is derived from the graduate level course taught by PJC during the spring
academic semester (CHEM 700-002: An Introduction to Structure Determination by X-ray Crystallography).
Finally, there is a page illustrating attempts at some Molecular Artwork drawn using various molecular graphics programs like ORTEP, POV-RAY, Jmol and CrystMol.