The molecule below,
This molecule, however, is in a neighboring cell. To move it into this unit cell, translate it by 1 unit cell length in the a direction:
This molecule is related to the asymmetric unit by a 2-fold axis parallel to b at x = ½ , z = ¼ . A center-of symmetry at the origin of the cell, produces a third molecule at -x, -y, -z:
This molecule is also in a neighboring unit cell. Translate it by 1 unit cell length in each of the a b and c directions:
This molecule is related to the asymmetric unit by a center-of-symmetry at x = ½, y = ½, z = ½ . A c-glide perpendicular to b at y = ¼ produces the fourth molecule at x, ½ - y, ½ + z: